Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Our team is a GO!!!

Our team is a GO!!!  I'm thrilled but was emotionally prepared for the possibility that the team wouldn't have enough team members.  We're a small team, but going!  I can't wait to see what God has in store for this tiny but mighty team!

But, a new slight panic has started.  We are officially 10 days out from our first financial deadline.  GULP!  

When we were first notified about that deadline, I was about $1,200 away from that fundraising goal.  Tonight, I'm $432 away from that first goal.  $432.  How does God do that?!?  $432 is a little less panic inducing than $1,200.  If nothing else, it's showing me that this trip is His plan for me right now.  

We will have another fundraising deadline in another month.  The real me should be more panicked about that that deadline.  But, I'm not.  I'm seeing how God is really working through amazing people.  People have bought ridiculous amounts of cheesecake.  And people have been have so generous above and beyond the cheesecake fundraising we've done so far.  

If you've shared with me a kind word about the trip, a promise to pray for the team or financial support, please know that God has used YOU to quell my panic.  Those words of comfort, promises of prayer and every dollar seems to come at the PERFECT time.  God knows when I need those encouragements and has used you to provide them.  THANK YOU for being a part of this journey with our team!

The new Matthew West song seems to play every stinkin' time I'm in the car (the only time I really listen to the radio).  I love this song and the lyrics.  It just affirms our need to step in the story of others and Do Something to help those in need.

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