Saturday, June 20, 2015

Day one reflections

Since we are in China, I suppose it is time to resurrect the blog.

Here are some of my initial thoughts:

Traveling across the world and dealing with jet lag really bites.  Everyone is impacted in different ways and you just can't predict how your body will respond.  We are all tired but everyone has been a trouper at fighting off jet lag.

Your guide becomes your BFF.  Our guide, Julie, has never helped on a trip like this.  She's never been inside in an orphanage and she hasn't been to the city where we are traveling.  But she's already proven to be a vital member of our team.  I pray her heart is moved as we set about our work for the week.

God knits together the perfect teams.  Our team is really doing well.  The personalities compliment each other so well.  Everyone has been a flexible and considerate team member and we are all enjoying time spent together.  We miss our two team members who had to drop out but I know has a plan for that.  We miss them but they are still with us in spirit.

Teens are AWESOME travelers!  I really wasn't sure how my own 13 year old would handle the travel and experiences being in a country so different from ours.  But she's doing great.  We have a 14 year team member and the two girls really seem to enjoy each other.

HARD beds are actually pretty comfy when you are exhausted.  But my cranky body refuses to sleep so I've laid in bed reflecting on how comfortably I could be sleeping if I could just sleep.  Maybe tonight....

As Americans, we have a need to know details up front.  The Chinese way is to just tell what you need to know right before you need to know.  That's a little hard for this control freak.

God really answers prayers.  That was evident on the day we left the U.S. and ran into some travel complications.  God managed to do what we thought was impossible.  He even reminded us of that when we were seriously doubting the arrival of our luggage.  Our group's luggage were some of the very last unloaded from the plain.  I think every one of us was mentally working out how to manage an extra day with just our carry on supplies.  I kept praying for just one bag to appear....just let one arrive so we don't have to deal with all of our bags arriving late.  When God finally delivered that one bag I had pleaded for, he delivered in a big way as all the bags came out one after another.  Thank you!!!!

We've run into two other teams in our hotel.  One is heading to a different area of the country tomorrow and one is on the journey home.  It felt like talking to family members.  It was a good reminder that God has a bigger plan then just the work any individual team does.

We have a very late flight to our orphanage city tomorrow and won't arrive until 11:30pm.  We start working in the orphanage Monday morning.  Please keep us in your prayers that we might arrive and get checked into our hotel quickly and with no hiccups.  

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

File updates!!!

What an awesome New Year's Eve gift I just received!  My team leader from last summer's trip messaged me to say some of the kiddos we loved on now have files and are "paper ready" (a term in the adoption world that means they can be officially adopted.)  

If you are interested in viewing the files on any of these kiddos, you can view them at  You will need to register and receive a password to view the waiting children files.  

Our sweet Lovey Girl ( is Jessa on the AWAA waiting files list.  

Our Sweet Baby Girl ( has already been matched with her family!!!!  (Typing that brings tears of joy to my face!)

Our adorable and bashful Twins are Chloe and Mia on the AWAA list.  I pray that a family steps up to adopt both of these beautiful little girls.  They have such an amazing bond and it would be so hard for them to be apart.  

Oh....and Beautiful Boy ( and is still on the list and waiting.  He is Caleb.  If I could convince my husband, that sweet little boy would be snuggled into our house as a part of our family.  However, he is meant for another lucky family and I hope they find him soon.  

And, the one that steals the heart of every team member who has visited this orphanage, the Mayor is still waiting.  Lara wrote about the Mayor on her blog at He is known as Zack on the waiting children list but he is not listed with AWAA anymore.  You can read more about him at:  Zack is running out of time to find his family.

There are many other of the kiddos listed.  I've listed just a few of the special kiddos who just captured my heart.  

So as we say goodbye to 2014, I know my heart has forever been changed and a part remains with these children still waiting for their families in China.  2015 will bring another trip for and a whole new group of children looking for their family.  While I dread the heartbreak that will come as a result of the trip, I am looking forward to making the children we can love on feel special for the time we are with them.  

Happy 2015 to everyone!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

2015 Team Member Introduction - Marlena

One more member to introduce!  This is my sweet friend Marlena.  Marlena and I knew each other through church but really got to know each other through running.  Marlena, myself and one other sweet friend where the three muskateers of what we dubbed the "turtle crew."  We got to know each other well, worked out the world's problems and threw in many therapy sessions on those miles we logged as we trained for the Illinois half marathon in 2012.  And when I hit breathing problems on race day, Marlena sacrificed a better time by sticking by my side as I struggled through that run. 

And I was thrilled when we had lunch one day to chat about my trip last summer and she announced that she wanted to join me on the next trip!  I'm so excited to have her on our team and excited to see what the Lord does through her.  And we've already warned her that she will be ROCK STAR in China with her blond hair. :)

Meet Marlena....

The cursor taunts at my blank mind causing anxious thoughts of inadequacy, fears of failing swirls with the idea of "I can't possibly be used for God's purpose," running appears to be the best option, but if I run where and when does the race of life end. You see, the devil and I have an on giving battle. I allow him to speak negative thoughts and in turn I am robbed of the joy God desires for me.

Hi, I am Marlena and I am a warrior for Jesus who fights on the front lines daily with the devil. I am a wife and mother of two wonderfully created, adventurous, trying at times, beautiful children. They keep me on my toes and often in stitches over their antics and most especially, humbled by their lack of fear and steadfast truth and faith.

Isn't funny how our children step out in faith when learning something new, trusting as parents we will not fail them. I felt the Holy Spirit pushing me to take a leap of faith to sign up for this mission trip to China. As the travel date approaches I find my confidence wavering. The "buts" start...But God, are you sure you can use me? You must be mistaken I can't possible have anything to offer? How will I reach the financial obligation set before me? As the hissing of pessimism rages I hear God whisper "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10.

With all my fears, with all my thoughts of inadequacy, with my desire to flee, I am choosing to chase after God and his redeeming love so that I may be a light of hope. I don't fully grasp how God will use me in China or even why China? I do know it is the path that is set before me and with God's help I want others to know of the beautiful children who are without forever families. My prayer is that God will break my heart and open my eyes so that I may see how I can better serve Him.

Blessed to be on this journey,

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

2015 Team Member Introduction - Katie

The next team member I’d like to introduce you to is Katie!  Katie is extra special because she doesn’t know ANY of us and is still willing to travel to China to love on kiddos with us.  I’m so excited to get to know Katie through this trip.  Having been in her shoes last year, I feel like my 2014 team members have become like family.  (And I’m just a wee bit jealous that she lives in sunny California!)

Please meet Katie! 

Thank for allowing me on this mission trip!  I am beyond excited to have finally taken the first step in something I have dreamed of doing for a long time.

Tell us about yourself:
I am a mom of one amazing little 7 year old boy and the wife a fantastic husband.  Our family lives in beautiful California.  We are a Christian family that strives to follow God.  We love the outdoors and spending time with family.  

Why did you sign up for this trip?
I chose the China mission trip mostly because of the summer schedule.  Of all the locations listed, I can honestly say I would love to attend and help any place that I am needed.  I have never been to China, so I am more than excited.

What interests you about serving in an orphanage?  
I love children.  If I can make one child smile for a day or change a child's life in some small or big way I will be overjoyed.  

What interests you about serving in China?
China has such an amazing culture.  China has been a place that I always knew I would travel to some day.  

What are your biggest concerns about the trip?
I do not have any concerns about the trip.

What are you most looking forward to on this trip?
I am looking forward to playing with the children and helping anyway I can.  I am also looking forward to meeting some new people with the same interests as myself.  Hopefully this will be the first trip of many.

Favorite Bible verse?
Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

2015 Team member introduction - David, aka my dad!

I'm taking some liberties with this introduction and writing it myself.  This team member is Dave, my dad.  My dad's not a big writer and doesn't like to talk about himself much so I know the changes of him actually writing up an intro are slim to none.  So, I'll do it for him.  He is, after all, our only male team member at this point and that is deserving of an introduction!

My dad had a rough time growing up.  He was the kind of kid that you look at think "thank God I've been so blessed in MY life."  We all know kids like my dad....and we are secretly thankful we weren't dealt that hand of cards.  

His father passed away when my dad was 13.   That's a tough age for a boy to lose his father.  My dad spent a great deal of time with relatives as his mother was also quite ill.  His mother passed when he was in his early 20's.  Fortunately, those relatives were heavily active in the church my mom's family attended....and the rest of history.  Sort of!

Because of my dad's background, he is drawn to kids in rough situations.  He NEVER forgets a person he has met and he wants to get to know people.  Genuinely.  (He was a salesman for many of his career years and you could attribute his success to his personality....he really, really likes people.)

One of the things my dad instilled in us over the years is the importance of family.  Our family wasn't perfect but he sure made sure we knew how much we were loved.  

Why is my dad going on this trip?  He wants to see his granddaughter's birth country and have a chance to love on kids that are like him....they don't have parents to love on them.  He understand that  void probably more than most of us on our team do.

I'm thrilled he is joining us.  He loves kids, has a great sense of humor and a strong love for Jesus.  He knows that God's love brought him through some hard times in life and he always wants to share that love.

Dad, I'm so glad you are joining us!  

Friday, October 10, 2014

2015 Team member introduction - Jill!

An ACT team just arrived in China today.  That team includes a local friend and I can’t wait to hear about her experiences.  Another team leaves soon to serve in the same orphanage our team served in last summer.  All this travel is exciting and means our team is just getting that much closer to travelling! 

I’m a bit behind on my introductions.  Forgive me. 

I want to introduce you to Jill in this post.  Jill is one of those crazy talented, beautiful people and, truthfully, she intimated the heck out of me for years!  She just exudes excitement and an honest love for God.  She has an amazing voice and is a part of the vocal team at our church.  I’ve sat through many songs just awed by her vocal talent and how her love for God comes through in her signing.  Plus she’s gorgeous! 

I was so excited when I learned that Jill and her husband were adopting from China as I thought it might give me an “in” to get to know her a little better.  Little did I know what an amazing family Perry and I would get to know over the past few years.  (Full disclosure….one of her sons is on our very exclusive, very small list of “boys Elise might be able to date before she’s 35….maybe.”)

You can visit Jill’s blog at

So, without further ado, let me introduce Jill….

Hello!  My name is Jill Winslow.  I am incredibly excited to be part of the June 2015 team traveling to China.  Thank you for indulging me and allowing me to tell you a little about my “story” and how I ended up in this group.

I love children.  I mean, I REALLY love children.  I chose Elementary Education as my college major and the first question I asked my husband on our first date is, “Do you want children someday?”  I know…in retrospect, I’m not sure why he didn’t run for the hills.  To be fair, he had some pretty hefty marriage expectations too.  My husband was born in Asia.  He actually spent the majority of his childhood in SE Asia.  As a 6’5”, blue-eyed hunk, most people have no idea he feels both Chinese and American.

After our first year of marriage, we moved to Hong Kong, China to teach for two years in an international school.  (Please see “hefty marriage expectations” above). I experienced culture shock for the first six months.  I’m pretty sure I could have written a book entitled, “Why the United States does EVERYTHING better.” These were the years that God knocked my preconceived notions of the world out of me.  Over time, I fell in love with a culture of people and began to understand their ways.  It was at this time, adoption became a heavy desire on my heart.  Once God lit a fire in my soul for little ones without families, man could not extinguish it.  For twelve years, we built a family of four boys, moved a few times, and carried on with life.  Throughout those twelve years, the subject of adoption kept coming front and center.  After much prayer, God prompting my husband, and a lot of faith, we began the process of adopting a special needs child from China.  And that is how, at 36 years of age, God began to grow me in a way I never saw coming. 

Looking back, I can see that God had to break me a little before I could ever be ready for this experience.  There are so many things I didn’t know (even though I had been a Christian for years) about faith and joy in the midst of struggle.

One devastating tornado, rebuilding our home, and several obstacles later, I was in China again with my husband.  This time, I was holding a grieving toddler that screamed at the very sight of me.  I am certain that God got really tired of hearing me say (or scream)” THIS IS NOT MY STORY!”  I am a lover of fairytales.  That is incredibly unfortunate for anyone forced to live in the real world. J

I have learned on this journey with Christ that everyone has a story.  That story will play out for each individual whether I sit comfortably in my cozy home, or travel 7,000 miles to hold orphans.  As a Christ follower, I am desperate to be more like Jesus.  As I study the life of Jesus, I see so many situations where He broke the rules and reached out to the unloved.  He was constantly allowing himself to be broken for others.  If I want to follow His example, I have to allow myself (as painful as it is) to be broken for others. 

I am expecting to have obstacles as I fundraise, prepare, leave five kids and a busy husband behind.  The flight will be long and uncomfortably economy-ish.  The food will be different, the language will be a barrier, and I will see things that will completely break my heart.  But, I know that God will continue to smooth the rough edges of my personality.  He will give me the amazing opportunity to be His arms, His lips, speak His prayers, and feed His sheep as I hold, play, and interact with the fatherless children of China.  What a privilege!  My prayer is that I will serve Him well.  That I will allow myself to be broken for others, and that it will make a difference in the stories of the sweet children of China.

That’s my story!  I can’t wait to return and tell you THEIR stories!!!
Thanks for reading, friends!


Friday, September 26, 2014

2015 Team Member Introduction - Betty

This introduction is super special to me because it's my MOM! She's stepping way out of her comfort zone to join our team and I'm THRILLED. Thrilled that she will get to experience China and see it for the first time with her only granddaughter....who just happens to have been born in China! :)

So, I'm pleased to introduce you to Betty (aka...."my mom")

I am a mother of 3 adult children, grandmother to 9 growing grandchildren and great grandmother to one little baby. Especially significant is that I am Gretchen’s mother. My husband and I moved to Missouri from central New York 9 years ago. Our goal was to be closer to our children and grandchildren. At that time, I retired from my position at a hospital. My “retirement job” is doing hospice nurse visits on a per diem basis. It keeps me in healthcare but gives me a retired lifestyle – seems the best of both worlds! !

I was very fortunate to have been raised in a loving Christian home where my parents lived what they believed and taught their children accordingly. I received Christ as my savior as a small child and was nurtured through the years by many faithful mentors. I cannot imagine a childhood without those supports and loving care and I feel a desire (and responsibility) to do what I can to touch the lives of those who lack this framework. Through the years, I have taught children’s Sunday school classes and been involved in other programs whose goal was to show God’s love to all children. I also work in a mentoring program that seeks to provide supports to adults who have known a chaotic childhood and lack skills to move themselves out of a negative lifestyle.

I was introduced to the needs of the children in China through my daughter, Gretchen, and her husband, Perry. When they decided to adopt a child from China about 13 years ago, we followed their pathway and tried to learn all we could about the process they were involved in. When we saw the first picture of our new granddaughter, we fell in love with her. She was immediately sealed as our granddaughter and I wanted her to know our love for her. I also learned more about the other children who were left behind in orphanages and their many needs. I followed Gretchen’s ACT trip to China this year and saw how much it affected her. When she felt led to lead another group over, I felt that it was a good time for me to get involved. I know that there are children with great needs here in our neighborhoods and in all countries across the world. No one can begin to help them all but if we all do our own part, more children will benefit and be able to feel God’s love. I feel that God has put this chance in front of me to touch some particular children in China and I want to be obedient to His call.

I do have several concerns about the trip. The flight is long and I know that I can’t get off the plane if I panic about the closeness of the airline cabin! I am not as young as I used to be and my joints and muscles can complain about too much bending, kneeling, etc. I won’t know the language around me so I think about offending anyone with an undesirable response to a situation. Of course, the money is a big hurdle but I am looking forward to seeing how God accomplishes that need! I have tried to let Jeremiah 29:11 guide all my ways. I do believe that God has a path for us – one that we often can’t even imagine. If we want to allow God to accomplish His goals through our life, we need to be willing to step out when He instructs and trust Him to take us through each step.

Through this trip, I hope to be reminded that God can do great and mighty things through us if we will only let Him. I tend to want to do things that I can handle and control but I feel God wants me to stretch beyond my “comfort zone” and watch Him work. I hope to be able to touch the lives of children and their caretakers to show them Christ’s love.